All posts by admin-lovei

Buy Israeli Products

A major way to bless Israel is to buy the products that her people make.  Their livelihood is at stake.

Whether sandals, make up or wine, buying products made in Israel contributes financially, spiritually, emotionally and ethically to the people, the nation and the land.

Obviously when we visit Israel, we can and often must, buy food and shelter there.  And we can certainly bring back suitcases crammed full of Israeli products, from art to leather to gummi bears.

Suggested locations to visit in anticipation of bring Israeli products home include:


But other ways to buy Israeli products are online.  Examples include:


Support National Sovereignty

The issue of national sovereignty over all of Israel is not a political, social or military battle at all.  It is a contest over whether or not the Word of G-d is true.


To be developed

Why Love israel?

Why love Israel?  God does.

Love God?  Love His Word, His Torah?  Believe what He said?  Believe He chose a people, to benefit the world? Believe He gave them the land as an inheritance, now a nation?

Why love Israel?  Because He loves the people, the land and the nation!

Put another way, because God loved mankind enough to ask His select people to bring to the world His instructions on how to live an excellent life, and give them the land on which to build a nation, how can we not love that nation of people, Israel?

To read further details on why we love Israel, click on this link, Why Love Israel

And also “Why?

The most important reason why we should support Israel is because G-d said so.

Look it up.  In Genesis 13:14-17, the Bible says: The L-rd said to Abram, “Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are northward, and southward, and eastward and westward: for all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your seed forever. . . .  Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it to thee.”

That is G-d talking.

This web site intends to offer motivation, encouragement and support to individuals choosing to love Israel, including how to do so.  Emphasis is placed on the heartland of Israel, which the world deprecates or worse.  Judea and Samaria ARE the heart of Israel!  Those who choose to live, work, invest and thrive there stand tall for Biblical instruction about the Land.

Please scroll left and right through the pages.  Explore the topics in the top bar.  And let us know your thoughts.  Your comments are appreciated.

Love and Support Bnei David Mechina



Bnei David – Eli is the first Yeshiva Academy (Mechina) Program established in Israel combining Torah studies and full-length army service (as opposed to the 50% army service component of Hesder programs)

Initially, Bnei David was only a pre-army preparatory Mechina program whose goal was to start a silent revolution in the Israel Defense Forces. Over the past 20 years, while the motivation among Israel’s youth to serve in the army has consistently declined, Bnei David offered its students a new path – a path that views serving in the IDF as a value and a privilege, Bnei David’s graduates consider their army service a mission. No less than their dedication to Torah study.

Bnei David’s success in this realm is reflected in its impact. 20 years after its inception, Bnei David has over 2,300 alumni, over 50% whom have served as officers in the fighting units and over 40% served in Elite Commando units. At any given moment over 400 Mechina graduates are in uniform, serving their country in fighting units.

We would be happy if you could join us as partners to this important project. For further information please visit our website,

Bnei David student

To contribute to this project, select “Bnei David Pre-Military Torah Academy of Eli“on the One Israel Fund contributions web page.

Memorial Wall of the Fallen

About Eli

Love and Support Women in Green

Graphic Header

A short movie expressing the philosophy of Women in Green is here.

Women in Green is a Bible believing, Zionist organization devoted to the ideal of a Greater Israel.  Their motto is “Eretz Yisrael l’Am Yisrael,” “ארץ ישראל לעם ישראל,” “The land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel,”   The name comes, not from an environmental overtone, but from their early practice of wearing green caps.

Their activities, each of which depends on our prayers and financial support include:

Tish B’Av walks around the City walls

Agricultural plantings

Sovereignty Journal

Givat Oz v’Gaon

Contributions can be made online or checks may be mailed to

Central Fund for Israel
980 Sixth Ave.
3rd. Floor
New York, N.Y. 10018

To ensure that Women in Green will receive 100% of the contribution, please advise the Central Fund for Israel that the donation is intended for Women In Green.

Or, checks may also be mailed to

Women for Israel’s Tomorrow – Women In Green
P.O. Box 7352
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: 972-50-5500834 or Fax 972-2-930-9148

nmatar AT womeningreen dot org

And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed. Genesis 12:3