Women in Green is a Bible believing, Zionist organization devoted to the ideal of a Greater Israel.  Their motto is “Eretz Yisrael l’Am Yisrael,” “ארץ ישראל לעם ישראל,” “The land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel,”   The name comes, not from an environmental overtone, but from their early practice of wearing green caps.

Sound motivational thinking and action, boundless energy, challenge of conventional wisdom and vivacious character of co-leaders Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover entrain hundreds of youth, citizens, soldiers, parents, rabbis, scholars and members of the Knesset from across Gush Etzion, Judea, Samaria, Israel and the world to both educate and demonstrate what G-d had in mind when He established the people and nation of Israel.  The incredibly positive direction and results are simply astounding.  Seeing is the only means to internalize what they are doing for the nation.

Their activities include:

Tisha B’Av Walks
Agricultural Plantings
Givat Oz v’Gaon

Route 60 between Jerusalem and Hebron, where much of the physical activity of Women in Green occurs, is usually out of the typical tourist interests, because it is East of the Green Line, in the so-called West Bank. But if you wish to experience the real heart of Israel, spend time in the real Heart of Israel, including Gush Etzion, and observe the work of Women in Green.

No finer group appreciates prayerful and financial support than Women in Green. Their website is here.

WIG Links:

How Two Women Work to Shift Public Opinion on Israeli Sovereignty

Jerusalem Post Magazine Interview with Nadia

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