Press Release, 30 July 2015
Arabs Destroy the Observation Point and a Commemorative Site at Netzer
in Gush Etzion
[See picture of the original pergola here.]
Arab residents of one of the villages neighboring Netzer, in Gush Etzion, came this afternoon (Thursday) to the grounds of Netzer with a tractor and destroyed the observation point overlooking Gush Etzion
Junction and the commemorative site at that location.
The heads of Women in Green, the movement that set up the site, together with the Committee for Netzer, were summoned urgently to the place while the Arabs were still wreaking destruction with the tractor
that they were driving. While they were still carrying out the destruction, the heads of Women in Green arrived, along with the lands commissioner of Gush Etzion, Moshe Frucht and the local security person, and together they put a stop to the action and stopped the
Arab responsible for the destruction.
In parallel to this act of destruction at the observation point, another Arab tractor entered a different section of Netzer and tried to take over large portions of land that had recently been declared statelands.
“The tailwind from Beit El has arrived to Gush Etzion”, say both Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, heads of Women in Green, about the incident. “The Arabs destroyed the memorial site dedicated to the
memory of Sarah Spiegel, obm, known for her love of Israel, fearlessly and in broad daylight. They destroyed the large pergola, benches, trees.
It should be noted that Women in Green had erected a large pergola and benches in memory of holocaust survivors. With this destructive act, the Arabs plowed the site under, leaving behind havoc and ruin.
“Let’s see how the bleeding hearts cry out and make excuses now that the destruction is over. The Arabs’ audacity is rising more and more while the image of the Israeli government becomes lower and lower,”
say the two women, and promise that “we will return to set up the site and the observation point overlooking Gush Etzion Junction, Alon Shvut, Elazar, Efrat and Rosh Tzurim”.
Donations for the rebuilding of the outlook are urgently needed. Please click here. Thank you.
Photos of the outlook before and after can be seen by clicking here :
For Details:
Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 Nadia Matar 050-5500834
The Movement for Israel’s Tomorrow
(Women in Green)
Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
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