The authorities act forcefully only against the Jews of Judea and Samaria, 28 July 2015
Hundreds of thousands of illegal Arab buildings are erected throughout the Land of Israel. The Israel Police does not come near them, fearing that this would “ignite the entire Middle East”, but against the wonderful Jewish youth, who are about to enlist into all of the elite units in the IDF they use clubs, pepper spray, kicks and arrests.
Why are the Arab women on the Temple Mount still wailing and screaming freely? Why does the law work only in favor of the Arabs? The answer is that our leaders have still not resolved in their own minds the basic question of to whom the Land of Israel belongs.
As long as this is not clear, as long as sovereignty has not been applied over all parts of the Land of Israel, and as long as we do not enforce sovereignty in a practical way in every place where it already exists officially, we will keep seeing shocking sights such as we saw in Beit El today, in Amona yesterday, and G-d forbid, in other places tomorrow.
Prime Minister Netanyahu, we ask you to show the same strength that you displayed against the expansion of Iran in Judea and Samaria and then your work will be complete. Then the nations will understand that Israel is determined to defend her people and her land. Sovereignty now!
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
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